I am a Boston based economist.
My research primarily focuses on economic theory and its applications. In particular, I am interested in contest theory and information design.
I received PhD in Economics at PennState University in 2019 and was a PostDoc at University of Bern, 2020-2023.
Emal: oleg.muratov.90@gmail.com
Published and Accepted papers:
Entrepreneur-Investor Information design
- Working Paper
- International Economic Review, acceptedMapping an Information Design Game into an All-Pay Auction
- Working Paper
- Review of Economic Design, Special Issue on Contests: Theory, Evidence, and Applications, accepted
Working papers:
3. All-Pay Auctions with Reserve Price and Bid Caps
4. Market-Bound Research Contests
- with Igor Letina
- Slides
5. The Effect of Occupational Choice and Stereotypes on Labor Market Sorting
- with Marc Möller